Creed Dao Ecosystem offering the individuals the innovative Dao with different and unique centered categories to govern the perfect harmony.
Los Angeles, CA, April 27, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE via — This is not an investment advice. Please conduct your own research when investing in any project.
Creed Dao is a distinct breed of project, none like the ones that have come across. Creed Dao believes, and rightfully leaves control in the hand of the Investors. Creed focuses to reach the every community that is fighting for the cause of decentralization and utilizing the force of the blockchain to its maximal capacity. Creed attains this through voting mechanism of investors to invest in promising projects using the treasury wallet and burning a portion of Creed’s supply with every approved proposal.
Creed Ecosystem- House of The Creed
The Ecosystem focuses on the Dao tandem between the proposals and votings . The Dao or the decision making of using the treasury of voted projects is in the control of the holders depending on the number of tokens they are holding to pitch a proposal, vote and earn tokens from the proposed project. When a proposal is voted and accepted by the investors; part of the treasury wallet will be used to buy back the voted project tokens and distributed amongst the Immortals, Kings and Seekers and 20% of the proposed funds will be used to buy and burn creed.
Where is the Creed Heading and what will the long term plan of The House of Creed?
The idea behind creed is not one from resentment or bitterness, but from the insight that suffering from capitalism has reached a threshold of abundance and a revolution is sparked by an idea that may seem impossible at first only until enough people have faith in the Idea. One of my favorite quotes from Theodore Roosevelt, “It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat”. These are the principles that can conquer the fortress of enslaving capitalism.
The walk towards justice and freedom has begun. And as we march forward together, we need to ensure that our voices are heard beyond oceans and mountains. Creed is the name spoken not just by men and women seated on computers, but by society at large about the revolution of the generation that had begun. A battle of this magnitude cannot be won without the masses on our side. The power of like minded people has been at the pinnacle of all great civilizations and revolutions. I intend to spark an idea so strong in our minds about our rights that the fight for righteousness is immortal beyond any individual.
Weeks from the launch of Creed, the contract will be renounced and the 2% tax to the marketing wallet will be shifted to the Treasury wallet. Creed Dao ecosystem will be the governance mechanism run by the community with no central and individual governance. -In the weeks leading upto complete decentralizing of The House of Creed, the marketing drive from presale funds and marketing wallet will be focused towards getting the message of Creed far and wide. The House of Creed will throw its door open to welcome new members to the Creed. The idea of liberty will have to grow on every mind that still hasn’t been poisoned by this norm of capital enslavement. I will approach communities, influencers and exchanges to further our cause to seed the idea of this revolution. Once the contract is renounced, I will continue to do my part, to revolt against this unjust society while being a part of the House of Creed just like the rest of the Immortals. However, it will come down to all of us if the idea of Creed will sustain its full potential. When men and women who didn’t support and criticized their relatives and friends for investing in crypto come back and ask us about the creed is when we have planted an idea so deep that change is inevitable. The Creed DAO is at the pinnacle of decentralization and Creed Dao will be the road to Financial Freedom. The road paved by all of us leading to the world that will uphold our rights; Mankind truly deserves better.
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This is not an investment advice. Please conduct your own research when investing in any project.
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