WINNIPEG, Manitoba, April 27, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE via — Canadian producers will see changes to grain delivery declarations for the 2022-2023 crop year.
Starting July 1, 2022 in eastern Canada and August 1, 2022 in western Canada, declarations of eligibility will be required across the country. Only grains subject to variety registration based on quality considerations will require a declaration. As a result, certain grains will no longer need to be declared under regulation. The Canadian Grain Commission is making this change after consultations with stakeholders.
Previously, the declaration of eligibility requirement applied to all grains regulated by virtue of the Canada Grain Act and only applied to western Canada.
Declarations are a way to assure the dependability and quality of grain at entry into the Canadian licensed grain handling system. They support Canada’s commitment to allow US-grown grain to receive an official grade under the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA).
By requiring information on variety registration at the time of delivery, declarations help to preserve the integrity of the Canadian grain quality system. The declaration form confirms that the variety delivered, bought, and sold is eligible for the kind of grain and class.
“The declaration supports Canada’s quality assurance system while meeting our commitments under CUSMA. We’ve simplified the declaration requirement to only apply to those grains where registration includes quality factors. This is a more flexible approach that better responds to the needs of the Canadian grain sector.”
Doug Chorney
Chief Commissioner, Canadian Grain Commission
Quick facts
- On November 30, 2018, Canada, the United States, and Mexico signed an agreement to replace the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) with the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA).
- The Canadian Grain Commission implemented the declaration of eligibility form for the 2020-2021 crop year in western Canada. Because delivery declarations had not previously been used in eastern Canada, the Canadian Grain Commission granted exemptions from the declaration requirement in eastern Canada for the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 crop years.
- American producers who deliver grain in Canada have the same obligations as Canadian producers and will also be required to sign the declaration of eligibility.
Associated links
- Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA)
- Canada Grain Act
- Canada Grain Regulations
- Delivery eligibility declaration questions and answers
- Kinds of Grain that Require a Declaration of Eligibility for Delivery of Grain
- Declaration of eligibility form
- Declare the eligibility of grain at delivery
Related products
• Backgrounder: Declaration of eligibility affected grains and how we got here
Rémi Gosselin
Head of communications
Canadian Grain Commission
Canadian Grain Commission
The Canadian Grain Commission is the federal agency responsible for establishing and maintaining Canada’s grain quality standards. Its programs result in shipments of grain that consistently meet contract specifications for quality, safety and quantity. The Canadian Grain Commission regulates the grain industry to protect producers’ rights and ensure the integrity of grain transactions.