More political debate coming to Legco: Tung Chee-hwa

  • More political debate coming to Legco: Tung Chee-hwa

A vice-chairman of Beijing’s top advisory body, Tung Chee-hwa, said on Friday that Beijing’s decision to change the SAR’s electoral system will make the Legislative Council more representative and allow more room for political discussion.

His comments, during an online seminar organised by his own think tank, the Our Hong Kong Foundation, came a day after Chief Executive Carrie Lam said the overhaul will cut back on all the politics in Legco.

“The decision to improve the electoral system is not targeting any camps, and it is not to shut any parties out the door,” said Tung.

The former chief executive brushed aside criticism that the overhaul will result in a substantial regression in the city’s political development.

“It is not to make everyone have the same view in Legco, but to use law and institution to make sure those who administer Hong Kong genuinely love the country and love Hong Kong,” he said.

Tung added that Beijing’s proposal to increase the number of seats for Hong Kong’s legislature from 70 to 90 – with “a large share” of them being selected by the election committee – means the legislature will become more representative and inclusive.

“Under new electoral systems, Hong Kong will still remain a pluralist society. Open, transparent, fair and just elections will still exist. The number of seats will be increased, the room for people to participate in political discussions will increase, and elections will be more inclusive and representative,” he said.

Tung stressed that a major overhaul – rather than small amendments here and there – is needed to turn the tables.

He called on young people to “open their mind” and learn more about their country.

There was no question-and-answer session for the online event.

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