Elderly man with Covid walks out of hospital

The Prince of Wales Hospital on Sunday called in the police after an 86-year-old man, who had tested preliminary positive for Covid, left the Accident and Emergency Department without notifying staff.

The hospital, which is in Sha Tin, said the incident had happened at about 2 pm, while the man was waiting to be admitted for isolation.

The man is described as being about 1.65 metres tall, of medium build, and with short greyish hair.

The hospital said, according to CCTV footage, he was wearing a red, checked, long-sleeve shirt and dark trousers, as he left.

It said security guards had tried to find the man, both on the hospital grounds and nearby, shortly after staff realised he was not there.

The hospital is asking the public to contact the police, or the hospital hotline on 3505 2786, if they know his whereabouts.

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