Court orders Wu Chi-wai can attend father’s funeral

A national security judge on Friday granted former Democratic Party chairman Wu Chi-wai permission to attend his father’s funeral, two days after his request was rejected by prison officials.

Wu’s plea to be allowed to attend his father’s funeral was denied by prison officials on Wednesday. They said they had to ensure the safety of their officers, the public and Wu himself. Officials offered to let Wu watch the funeral via video streaming instead.

But Judge Esther Toh has now granted permission for Wu to attend the ceremony on humanitarian grounds.

Details of the special bail arrangements were worked out ahead of time after discussions between prosecutors and defence lawyers. Only designated people, including family members, will be allowed to join the private funeral, and Wu will not be permitted to communicate with anyone else.

Wu is one of 47 politicians and activists charged with conspiracy to commit subversion in relation to primary polls they held ahead of Legco elections that the government cancelled last year, citing the pandemic situation.

The former lawmaker has been in custody for more than four months.

Before the hearing at the High Court, he smiled and waved towards supporters sitting in the public gallery.

Afterwards, his supporters called out to him to “stay strong”, with Wu thanking them in return.

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