Eisai Launches New “Innovation” Page on Corporate Website

TOKYO, Sep 28, 2023 – (JCN Newswire via SeaPRwire.com) –

“Innovation” top page

TOKYO, Sept 28, 2023 – (JCN Newswire via SeaPRwire.com) – Eisai Co., Ltd. announced today that it has launched a new “Innovation” page on its corporate website. The “Innovation” page is comprised of four sections: “Research & Development (R&D),” “Ecosystem,” “Open Innovation,” and “Corporate Venture Capital,” which are the core of Eisai’s innovation creation. Each part introduces information such as Eisai’s strengths, originality, and the status of specific initiatives.

https://photos.acnnewswire.com/InnovationTopPage.jpg" alt=”” width=”650″ height=”547″>

“Innovation” top page https://www.eisai.com/innovation/index.html">www.eisai.com/innovation/index.html

Eisai’s Corporate Concept is “to give first thought to patients and people in the daily living domain, and to increase the benefits that health care provides.” Under this Concept, (also known as our human health care (hhc) Concept), we aim to effectively achieve social good in the form of relieving anxiety over health and reducing health disparities.

On the newly established “Innovation” page, Eisai has enhanced information on policies, characteristics, and examples of initiatives for innovation creation aimed at realizing it’s corporate concept. The “R&D” section contains new contents, such as an overview of the Deep Human Biology Learning (DHBL) drug discovery and development system, which was established last year, track records of Eisai’s long-term commitment to dementia, oncology and tropical diseases, and the current status of digital technology application in R&D settings. In addition, the “Ecosystem” section explains Eisai’s policy of evolving into an hhceco (hhc concept + ecosystem) company to empower people to “realize their fullest lives” how they would like, from the time that they are in good health up to their final moments, and the dementia hhceco model on which Eisai is focusing. Moreover, the “Open Innovation” and “Corporate Venture Capital” sections introduce their respective business policies and achievements, and an inquiry page for new partnering opportunities has been established.

Eisai will continue to disclose information in a proactive and easy-to-understand manner through our corporate website and communicate with all of our stakeholders to help them understand our corporate concept and business activities.

Media Inquiries:
Public Relations Department,
Eisai Co., Ltd.

Copyright 2023 JCN Newswire via SeaPRwire.com.

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