
  • 1,000名印尼和韓國參與者聯合舉行淨灘跑活動
  • 還舉辦了促進交流和相互文化理解的活動

韓國首爾, 2023年9月26日 — 總部位於韓國的環球公司KT&G,於24日在雅加達GBK體育場區舉行韓印尼聯合淨灘跑活動,慶祝印尼韓國建交50週年。

該活動與印尼大韓民國大使館合作舉辦。活動共吸引約1,000名參與者,包括KT&G TSPM(KT&G在印尼的子公司)的員工、印尼的韓國居民和印尼公民,活動取得圓滿成功。KT&G TSPM總裁尹錫正、印尼駐韓大使李相德、韓國駐東盟大使李璋建和印尼韓國人協會會長朴載煥等重要人士也參加了活動。




KT&G從2011年開始在印尼運營當地子公司,自那時以來,該公司一直積極開展各種倡議,以促進印尼韓國之間的文化交流和加強聯繫。2014年,KT&G成為第一家在印尼建立韓國語中心的韓國公司。通過運營韓國語中心,KT&G一直為韓語教育和文化體驗提供機會。此外,KT&G正在運營一個名為KT&G Sangsang Univ. 印尼的社會貢獻頻道,致力於支持印尼大學生體驗文化、藝術和志願服務等範疇的體驗。KT&G Sangsang Univ. 印尼還組織活動,促進印尼和韓國大學生之間的互動和文化交流。


KT&G, a global company headquartered in South Korea, held a joint Indonesian-Korean plogging event on the 24th at the GBK Stadium area in Jakarta to celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and South Korea. The picture shows Indonesian and Korean participants participating in the event together
KT&G, a global company headquartered in South Korea, held a joint Indonesian-Korean plogging event on the 24th at the GBK Stadium area in Jakarta to celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and South Korea. The picture shows Indonesian and Korean participants participating in the event together


KT&G, a global company headquartered in South Korea, held a joint Indonesian-Korean plogging event on the 24th at the GBK Stadium area in Jakarta to celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and South Korea. The picture shows Indonesian and Korean participants participating in the event together
KT&G, a global company headquartered in South Korea, held a joint Indonesian-Korean plogging event on the 24th at the GBK Stadium area in Jakarta to celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Indonesia and South Korea. The picture shows Indonesian and Korean participants participating in the event together


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